Blithe Babble: Soul Coaching with Ashley Lauren

Sometimes in life you meet people that just radiate light and positivity. Ashley is exactly that. I met Ashley about two years ago and she was just this bubbly, fun, adventurous and positive bundle of joy to be around- so it didn’t surprise me when I heard she was becoming a soul coach. If you already follow her on Instagram (and if you don’t you need to @The_AshleyLauren) then you know she is extremely spiritual and strives to send positive energy into the world and get rid of negative energy with her sage rituals. Read along below to see our interview with Ashley about her soul coaching journey.

BB:    You're an event planner, a soul coach and an avid traveler. How do you juggle it all? 

AL: Luckily, I have a pretty flexible schedule as an Event Planner which allows me to squeeze in sessions and travel. Most people wonder how I’m constantly taking trips, but my secret is to maximize the time I’m given any way I can! Event Planning has me travelling a decent amount and to fun locations, so I’ll use those work trips as a way to plan my own mini adventures around. No reason to let expensed airfare go to waste!


BB:   What is Soul Coaching?

AL: Soul Coaching is essentially Life Coaching, except I’m definitely no expert at life! I resonate with the word “soul” because it’s the essence of who we are. We are 100% here for a reason and I believe that whole heartedly. When I think of Soul Coaching, I think of finding meaning to life. Sometimes we’re thrown many challenges and we lose that along the way. I want to help guide clients back to their purpose!


BB:  What made you want to become a soul coach?

AL: I’ve done some major soul searching the last couple of years and had to rebuild myself from the ground up. I was in and out of a toxic relationship for a long time learning many lessons about myself. I went through a period of Spiritual Awakening and at the end of it, I was completely different. I found myself drawn to anything related to mindfulness and at the beginning of the year, it just clicked. There was this inner knowing that I was meant to use my pain for purpose and help others in the ways I’ve struggled. 



BB:    What are the specific areas you focus on?

AL: All areas of self-worth and healing from past wounds. Whether that stems from childhood issues, feeling lost in life, needing to find purpose, or someone going through or coming out of a toxic relationship who needs to find strength to get their power back. I’m really passionate about these because they’re all things I’ve had to learn and dig my way out of. 


BB:    What kind of clients excite you the most?

AL: Honestly, all of them! I want to help anyone who needs it. Right now, I mainly appeal to woman clients, but eventually I’d like to start supporting men as well. They need healing too!


BB:    What are your top 3 favorite self-help books?

AL: I don’t read nearly as much as I’d like, but some books that have helped me in the past are Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, Walk Like a Buddha by Lodro Rinzler and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle


BB:  What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?

AL: This is hard because I want to do it all! On top of my bucket list right now is going to Thailand and Bali. It’s a DREAM to volunteer on an elephant farm. Also, I’d love to rent an RV and spend time traveling across the US checking off all the national parks! I’d also like to write a book. I don’t know what it would be about just yet, I just know I want to eventually write it!


BB:   If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?

AL: This is a tough one! Maybe Brene Brown. She’s someone I’ve been really into lately and I love how she created an empire encouraging people to be courageous and vulnerable. With starting my business, I would love to trade shoes with her for a day and get a better idea of what she’s done to get to where she is today.



BB: Best way to decompress? 

AL: Ahh there’s a few! The beach has always been a main escape for me, but lately it’s been baths. I feel so recharged after soaking in Epsom salt and essential oils!


BB: If you could make a documentary, what would it be about?

AL: This is a great question! I’d probably make one on the different ways our relationships with our parents have impacted and affected us today. This fascinates me! Every little thing we’ve experienced from our childhood has molded us to think and live the way we do. I’ve done some inner child work in my past and it’s amazing how all the relationships we hold today are ultimately a mirror from what we’ve learned as a child, whether we realize them or not.  


BB: You're stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?

AL: Philly Cheese steak with banana peppers and hot pepper relish. Definitely my guilty pleasure!


BB: One thing you can't live without? 

AL: Coffee! Sad, but true. I crave that first sip each morning!


BB: What is something you always travel with? 

AL: My journal. I’m not guaranteed to always write in it, but I love to have it with me in case there’s something I’m inspired to release or share. 


BB: If you could plan any event for anyone, what would it be and who would it be for? 

AL: I’d love to plan an event for or with Oprah Winfrey - I love what she stands for and how well respected she is by many. She has so many amazing connections and relationships with spiritual leaders all around the world and think it would be amazing to have an event with all those great minds under one roof.


BB: What is the best trip you have ever been on? 

AL: I would probably say my Europe trip a few years ago. I was in a low place at the time and took myself across the pond on a solo adventure. I met up with a travel group of 50 once I was over there and I was only 1 of 5 Americans in the group. We traveled through 6 or so countries and had the greatest experience and memories to bring back. 


BB: Who is your girl crush? 

AL: Recently, it’s been Rachel Hollis. I started to read her books and then got lucky enough to watch her speak live at a work conference I was attending. She’s so energetic and inspirational and instantly had the biggest crush on her! I love her message and how she chooses to share it to the world. 



BB: What is one goal you are determined to achieve in your lifetime? 

AL: I’d love to master complete mindfulness. I recently listened to Oprah’s Soul Conversations podcast (not to bring up Oprah again!) with Deepak Chopra and just WOW! He talks about living life through responding and not reacting, which is something we’re all victim to. When we react to the things around us, we are usually reacting out of fear-based thinking. By learning what those fears are and distinguishing between our thoughts, we’re able to be unaffected by the things around us. This is something I hope to achieve more of!




Abbie Dunn