Pistachio Crusted Salmon

You either love or hate salmon and there is no in between. Salmon is a staple in my household. We eat it at least twice a week. If you don’t know if you like salmon but have been wanting to try it, this is a pretty good recipe to dip your beak in and try out. That is- if you like pistachios. My goal is to get my brother and my dad to try this recipe who both dislike salmon. It’s salty, nutty and sweet because of the hint of honey. It’s a super easy weeknight entree that pairs well with any vegetable and a simple rice pilaf or sweet potato. Enjoy!


2 salmon filets (or more if you are cooking for more)

1/2 cup pistachios

Juice of one lime

2 tbsp honey

2 cloves garlic

Olive oil

Salt & Pepper


Preheat your oven to 425. Place your salmon in a baking dish and coat with olive oil, salt and pepper. Drizzle the honey on each filet and squeeze the lime juice on top. Mince your garlic and place on top of each filet. Using a mallet, crush your pistachios in a plastic bag, or you can just chop the pistachios with a knife if you do not have a mallet. Top each filet with the crushed pistachios. Put the dish in the oven and cook for 12-15 minutes depending on how you like your salmon cooked. 12 minutes is medium and 15 is well done. Enjoy!
