Travel Necessities

As you will come to see as I post more in this section.... I travel a LOT. Over the last three months, I have been home for maybe two weekends total. I'm posting this today because I am about to head out again off to beautiful Los Angeles this time. I love to travel but as we all know traveling can make you feel kind of icky with all the germs spreading around on planes, trains and automobiles. When I was a rookie, I would get on a plane forgetting the simplest little pleasures, like headphones. Ahhh... but since I traded in my traveling diaper for big girl pants, I have all kinds of little tips and tricks I have learned along the way that I am more than happy to share with you. The one thing in this photo that is missing is hand sanitizer because I ran out and frankly I don't feel like going to the store to get it just to put in this picture. If you have any other must haves you would like me to know about, please feel free to reach out! 

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A good book

I'll be totally honest, I prefer to completely tune out with a movie or binge watch a tv show with a glass of wine on a long flight but sometimes the tv's in the seats aren't working or the flight apps are acting funky so I always bring a good book to have as a backup plan. I generally like to read something easy and light or inspirational on a flight to cancel out my anxiety. If I picked up Stephen Kings "IT", I would probably be kicked off the plane for hopping in my seat mates lap. 


This is kind of a no brainer but always remember your passport, global entry card or drivers license for any kind of travel. It really sucks not to have it, I've been there. 

Essential oil spray

What's more relaxing than having a light lavender or eucalyptus scent casually traveling through your nostrils? This can also work in your favor if you happen to be sitting next to someone who forgot their deodorant. They sell this at most drug stores and also here on Amazon.

Rose water spray

A friend of mine told me about this Julie Hewett Rose Water Spray about 5 years ago and it's safe to say my post flight skin owes her a cookie or two. If your skin dries out while traveling, this is a life saver for you.

Eye Mask

Haven't slept in what feels like a year? Join the club! Don't forget a nice eye mask and sit back and enjoy the flight! 


Full of Vitamin C, just dump the package in a bottle of water. It can help prevent you from getting sick, so why not? 

Nipple cream

Disclaimer: *I do not use this on my nipples* I know it seems strange but this nipple cream that mothers who are breastfeeding use actually works for two other things! It works perfectly as a lip moisturizer and doesn't dry your lips out like other Chapsticks. I also use it in my nostrils right when I get to the airport and reapply it with a Q-tip a couple times throughout the flight. It acts as a barrier for germs that are being passed around. This is easily found at your local drug store. 


Because any trip without these is just not fun. On a road trip with your nagging spouse or parent? Plug em' in. On a flight with a crying baby? Go for it. Seat mate on the train telling you their life story? Sayonara sucka!! 

Safe Travels!


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